LPN nurse

LPN Training

LPN Training Programs

Most of the training programs to become a licensed practical nurse last for about a year, although some may take a bit longer and some are over more quickly. It really depends on how much time one can spend learning the material. Obviously, if you're able to attend classes full time and study as well you are able to finish faster, but for most who need to keep working at the same time, a part time course of study will draw things out longer. In order to practice as an LPN, you will need a license as well (that's where the 'l' comes in, after all). To do that, you'll need to not only graduate from a program but also pass an exam.

LPN Schools

Schools and training to become an LPN are available all over the country at a wide variety of institutions. In particular, there are three main types of educational outfits designed to provide you with the skills and smarts you need to become a hired nurse. The first type of resource is the community or junior college path. These have the advantages of paying per unit and can also help you after you graduate with job placement and alumni services. If you want to extend your education from one year (needed for the LPN) to two, you can also get an associate degree by going this route. That is probably the biggest advantage.

Online LPN Classes

Another means of becoming a licensed practical nurse is by going to a vocational school. These often charge by the program (not by the course or unit), so if something comes up and you are unable to complete your education, you may find it difficult to recover the funds you have already invested. On the other hand, you may get a better training through this route because they are specifically tailored to meet the demands of the job. The third and final means of becoming an LPN is via a technical training program, which is essentially the same as the vocational pathway.