LPN nurse

LPN Classes

LPN Schools and Classes

If you want to become an LPN, education and schooling will be a vital part of that process. One needs to commit early on to the reality that there will be a lot of book learning, memorization, test taking, and other dreary tasks prior to landing the nursing job of your dreams and fulfilling your desire to help take care of people. Before you begin, you'll need to have already graduated from high school or have the equivalent in the form of a GED or something similar. It will also help in the future to have a solid background in biology, since you'll be building upon this knowledge when you continue your education.

LPNs without a High School Diploma

Update: there are now some reports of nursing programs accepting individuals without a high school diploma. While technically possible, it is still a good idea to go ahead and finish high school for the sake of your education. It will also likely be of added assistance when applying for your first job or two. Once you have some work experience built up it becomes less important where and how your education went. Your performance instead will be based on how well you did your job and what people have to say about you in the form of recommendations.

Preparing to be an LPN

The school portion of the process focuses mainly on a few core subjects. These include basic nursing care, anatomy (e.g. the parts of the human body), biology and in particular physiology (the study of human biological processes), and pharmacology (medications and their interactions). These courses can be very challenging regardless of your intelligence or background, so make sure to give them the respect they deserve. Set aside time to read, study, and attend class, even if you have a lot of responsibilities outside of school like work, family, and other commitments. Ultimately what you get out of it is what you put into it, and your grades will have an effect on where you get hired and how much you earn. Study hard and it will pay off.